Sunday is for all kinds of things. Some of us like to relax and chill, either on the couch with Netflix or football or by heading outside to the beach or the park. Some of us like to get stuff done on a Sunday: check tasks off the to-do list and get a head start on the week ahead.
But did you know there’s a place right here in Costa Mesa, where on the second Sunday of every month, you can relax and chill and do something productive too? It’s just around the corner, on the Westside of town.
Discover the Westside Market, where local artisans show and sell their handiwork. It’s held every second Sunday at the Westside Museum. In addition to all of the cool artwork, pottery, jewelry, clothing, beauty products and candles you can find there, you can also listen to live music, play ping pong or pool, sip a bottomless mimosa, and grind on some tasty eats. Did I mention it’s kid- and dog-friendly too?
I can hear you now. “[Gasp!] How have I never heard of this amazing place before?”
I know that’s what you’re thinking because that’s what the Westside Market’s founder, Clayton Peterson, hears all the time. That and, “If I had known this was here, I would have come so much sooner!”
It’s kind of like the Westside’s best kept secret. In fact, the first time you go, you’ll be wondering if you’re in the right spot, until you get into the parking lot and see the place up close.

Westside Weekends: Food and Fun the Second Sunday of Every Month at the Westside Museum.

Photos: Samantha Chagollan
So, first let me introduce you to the spot where all this magic happens: the Westside Museum, located at 729 Farad Street, just across the way from the other amazing Clayton Peterson creation: Boathouse Collective.
The Westside Museum is a big, open space that was once a car club, and now serves as a unique and expansive creative space for events like weddings, corporate meetings and parties, art shows, and this: The Westside Market.
The space itself has a super chill, very hip vibe to it, featuring all kinds of unique collectibles Clayton has recovered and refurbished. Behind the stage where the music plays, you’ll find some giant cogs and tubes he rescued from a closed-down factory. There are also clusters of plush, comfy seating areas, sparkly lights overhead, and a massive 40-foot bar upstairs that keeps the drinks flowing on Market days.
A longtime creative force in Costa Mesa, Clayton Peterson has been a maker his whole life. “My friends and I joke we are part of the original makers of Costa Mesa,” he says with a grin. Over the years, he’s flexed his creative muscles in woodworking, welding, photography, painting, and music.
Maybe that’s why he has a passion for bringing other creatives and artists into the spotlight. “People are appreciative when you offer them a space to show their passion,” he tells me. And that’s why one of his main goals with this market is to continue to keep it affordable for the makers who show their work here.

“People Are Appreciative [For] A Space To Show Their Passion” at Second Sunday Westside Market.

Photos: Samantha Chagollan
It all started back at the Boathouse Collective, where Clayton used to host local makers on the patio to show and sell their goods.
That original Boathouse makers’ show bloomed over time, and soon Clayton was looking for a larger space to help keep the market expanding. He knew the abundance of creative talent in Costa Mesa didn’t yet have an affordable, simple way to showcase all the rad stuff they were making. Plus, it was important to him to support their work. (Local artisans like Luna Reece Ceramics and Eclectic Ox are regulars at this diverse show.)
Now in its second year, the Westside Market continues to grow and thrive as more locals learn about it and help to bring in their friend and neighbors. Clayton tries to help that organic growth by asking for feedback from vendors and patrons alike, and continually adjusting to make it the best market it can be.
You can find him in the midst of it all on those second Sundays, making his way from table to table and chatting with artists and patrons alike.
His biggest challenge? Spreading the word. Since the Museum is tucked back in a smaller Westside side street, most people who come in have found it through word of mouth.
How does he meet that challenge? “Do a unique thing, do it well, and tell them to tell their friends about it!” he says cheerily.

Photos: Samantha Chagollan

Photo: Samantha Chagollan
I tell Clayton that I brought some friends with me to the last market, and they fell in love with it and want to return every month. “If you build a space people want to be in and create a good vibe, people will show up and support it,” says Clayton. And that’s exactly what has happened.
Clayton is passionate about Costa Mesa too. He says: “There’s a great culture here that people yearn for. I think Costa Mesa is really holding up the creative side of Orange County and it’s really essential.”
And that’s why he continues to put time and energy into helping makers and artists be seen. And why he encourages us all to put our own money and attention to the kinds of art and goods we want to see thrive here in our city.
“If you support the things you like, they can survive,” he says, which is why it’s so important to shop local and support our neighborhood small businesses, too.

Photo: Samantha Chagollan
So come down to the Westside Museum on the next second Sunday. Hear some great music, grab some lunch and maybe a beer, and come check out all the cool art your neighbors are making. It might just give you a new appreciation for Sundays.
Visit the Westside Market on the second Sunday of each month, 11-5; admission is free, and family- and dog-friendly. Food and drink are available for purchase too. Follow the Market on Instagram @Westside_Market_CM or find more info online. #keepmesacool ♥
For more information about the Westside Museum, including the space available for events, go to the website or follow them on Instagram @westsidemuseum