We are totally heartened by all the big-hearted Costa Mesans making our world a better place – like the fabulous, philanthropic fashionistas of 31 Bits on Superior Avenue.

At the Heart of 31 Bits: Director of Public Relations, Alli Talley, and Brand Director, Jessie Simonson | photo: @byoungforeverphotog

The Lovely Lisa Libertore is All Smiles at The Sweet, Little Store on Superior Avenue | photo: @byoungforeverphotog

Fashion For Good: Hand Made Jewelry Offers a Helping Hand to Those in Need | photo: @byoungforeverphotog
Did you read about our visit to 31 Bits in Costa Mesa, and our interview with two of the founders: Alli Talley and Jessie Simonson? Get the goods here.