Some podcast guests are informative and straightforward. Others are quirky, off-the-cuff, and keep you on your toes from start to finish. Can you guess which kind of guest the guys from Shaka Sauce turned out to be?
On this episode of The I Heart Costa Mesa Show, we spice things up with Matthew Parsons – and his tight-lipped, bottle-wielding sidekick, Leo – to learn all about their local line of hot sauces. You can find Shaka Sauce in restaurants and independent markets all over Costa Mesa. Check out the episode, then give Shaka Sauce a try!
Connect With Shaka Sauce:
Online: https://www.shakasauce.com/
Instagram: @shakasauce
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/shakasauce/
Find Shaka Sauce Locally At:
Grower’s Ranch: http://growersranch.com/
Mother’s Market: https://www.mothersmarket.com/locations/costa-mesa
The Butchery, Costa Mesa: https://www.butcherymeats.com/
Mutt Lynch’s: https://www.muttlynchs.com/
Tidepoole’s: https://www.yelp.com/biz/tidepooles-newport-beach
Caliente Southwest Grille: https://www.calientesouthwest.com/
Shirley’s Bagels: https://www.shirleysbagels.com/
Irvine Ranch Market: https://irvineranchmarketoc.com/
On This Episode, We Also Discuss:
Costa Makers Block Party, Sept. 28th from 11-3pm, at Triangle Square: http://www.costamakersoc.com/
OCC Planetarium: http://www.orangecoastcollege.edu/about_occ/planetarium/Pages/default.aspx
B. Young Forever Photography: http://byoungforeverphotography.com/
Heartfelt Play Studio: https://www.heartfeltplay.com/
Lions Fish Fry: https://cmnh-lions.com/fish-fry/
Rusty’s Chips: http://rustyschips.com/
Costa Mesa Bark Park: https://www.costamesabarkpark.com/
Dick Church’s Restaurant: https://www.iheartcostamesa.com/eat/dick-churchs-restaurant/
Thank You To Our Wonderful Podcast Sponsors:
Please tell your friends about the podcast – and don’t forget to leave your rating and review wherever you listen!
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Big thanks to everyone who helped make this podcast possible!
Producer: Danny Thompson (danny@themusicfactoryoc.com)
Intro / Outro Voiceover: Brian Kazarian
Music: Eddie “DJ Kaboom” Iniestra