Note: This post is part of an ongoing blog series called #costamesa365 where the author is striving to shop only* in her city of Costa Mesa, for a year.
See the photo up top?
That’s me.
In my car.
At a stop light.
Right behind a Stonefire Grill van.
With a truck-sized picture of my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE FOUNTAIN VALLEY SALAD pasted across the back.
That’s right. Of all the food on Stonefire’s ginormous menu, they had to plaster THIS on their van. Golden State Kale all up in my grill.
For those of you confused why this is a big deal, see here (Day 3: Stone Sober) and here (Day 5: Roughage Reconnaisance) and here (Day 16: Chop Shop).
On Jan. 1 of this year, I took a vow to do all my shopping only* in Costa Mesa for a year. And the hardest part? Giving up my favorite, go-to salad from Stonefire in Fountain Valley.
I am haunted by Stonefire dreams – obsessed with finding a Costa Mesa-based alternative.
Instead of taking my “vancounter” as proof I should quit my #costamesa365 challenge – I followed my conscience back here to Costa Mesa. This was a sign it was time for more Roughage Reconnaissance. Another Costa Mesa salad for lunch!
So I went back to my list of recommendations from our trusty Facebook-Group crew and Outpost Kitchen popped up.
Now I had enjoyed Outpost a handful of times, usually for a scramble or sandwich, but never for a salad! My impression is that while their menu is small, what they offer they do exceptionally well.
Perusing their menu, I came across this beauty:
Sounds healthy. Sounds yummy. Let’s do it!
Did you know you can now order Outpost online? Just click, pay, set a pick-up time… and then swing by to grab it. I love that convenience especially at lunchtime. I’m busy. I’m hungry. Just give me my salad already and nobody gets hurt!
Check it out:

New Online Ordering Makes Outpost Kitchen Great For Grab-And-Go Lunch. Yummy!

I don’t know the plantopia from which Outpost sources its produce, but this was some of the very best veg I have ever eaten from a restaurant. That’s saying something!
Everything was super fresh and flavorful.
You know it’s good quality ingredients when you don’t need much dressing because the salad sings on its own.
Healthy ingredients, good price, grab-and-go quick – so far, the Miracle Mile Salad is the closest thing I’ve found in Costa Mesa to supplant my Stonefire addiction. I’m on my way!
Give it a try and let me know what you think.
Now that I’m full and happy, I’m thankful my “vancounter” with Stonefire gave me a little push down Monrovia Ave.
When it comes to kale, Outpost Kitchen is salad gold. ♥
*We will always start by shopping / looking in Costa Mesa, first. But if we really need something and an alternative is nowhere to be found in Costa Mesa, we’ll stray. Also, as parents, we’ve decided that certain kid-related things (mainly educational) will need to remain baked in.