Note: This post is part of an ongoing blog series called #costamesa365 where the author is striving to shop only* in her city of Costa Mesa, for a year.
Who else has discovered Gas Buddy?
It’s an app, or website if you prefer, that tells you the current price of gas around town. Super easy to use – I like the map feature so I can just visually check out “the lay of the pumps” near me.
I honestly don’t even know how Gas Buddy knows the gas prices, day by day. Divining? Secret shoppers? Telepathic attendants? Who cares! However they pull it off, I’m going for it.
Are there other helpful, shopping apps out there, to help streamline local purchase decisions? Let me know about your favorites in our Facebook Group – I need the help!
Since #costamesa365 is challenging me to rethink all of my purchases – both big and small – I needed to find a new, Costa Mesa gas station. (Yes, I’d been lazily running down the hill to gas up in Huntington Beach – mea culpa!)
The good news is Gas Buddy informed me there’s a Costa Mesa gas station near my house – even nearer than my old, HB haunt. Yay!
The great news? It’s consistently less expensive, too!

Instead of jamming down to Huntington each week, I’ll be popping over to 19th and Placentia for some sub-three-dollar cruise juice. Get ready – Arco #63139 – you and the Maven Mobile just acheived BGBF status…
Best Gas Buddies Forever. ♥
*We will always start by shopping / looking in Costa Mesa, first. But if we really need something and an alternative is nowhere to be found in Costa Mesa, we’ll stray. Also, as parents, we’ve decided that certain kid-related things (mainly educational) will need to remain baked in.