Here to see photos from our trip to visit the Fairview Park Model Aircraft Flying Field, home of the Harbor Soaring Society? Well, fasten your seatbelt… we’re up, up, and away!!!

Captured Mid-Flight: Remote-Controlled Helicopters Whip and Whirl Over Fairview Park | pic: @byoungforeverphotog

Mechanically Inclined: Even If You’re Not Flying, the Planes are a Beautiful Sight | pic: @byoungforeverphotog

Meticulously Maintained: More Than a Hobby, RC Planes are a Way of Life for Some Flyers | pic: @byoungforeverphotog

Mr. Fix-It: According to Regulars, Steve Lonn is the Guy to See When Your Tech Needs Tweaking | pic: @byoungforeverphotog

The Ocean Breezes and Sunny Skies Make for a Beautiful Way to Spend Your Day | pic: @byoungforeverphotog

If You are Interested in Learning More, Contact the Costa Mesa Harbor Soaring Society | pic: @byoungforeverphotog
Want to get to the heart of the Harbor Soaring Society and all the Fairview Park Model Aircraft flyers? Prepare for takeoff because here it is!